
Sunday Worship Opportunities
Prayer Meeting @ 9:00AM
Adult Sunday School @ 9:30 AM
Sunday Morning Worship @ 10:45 AM *
Kingdom Kids @ 5:30 PM
Wednesday Bible Study @ 6:00 PM *
*Live streamed on Facebook
When you arrive for our Sunday worship service, you’ll find friendly people who aim to make your first visit an encouraging one. Our greeters will welcome you, and our ushers can answer any questions that you have. If you have children infant, you can check them in at the nursery and children kindergarten through sixth grade can join the parents in the sanctuary for worship and will be dismissed to our Children’s Church Program.
What to wear? The Lord focuses on the heart more than on the outward appearance, and so do we. You’ll find a wide variety in dress among our congregation, from casual jeans, to more formal. We simply aim to dress so as not to draw attention to ourselves, but keep the focus on Jesus Christ alone.
The authority of God’s Word is preached without apology or compromise and His Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, is exalted with gratitude and adoration.
As you enter the sanctuary, our greeters will welcome you with a bulletin & sermon outline for you. And if helpful, our ushers will gladly direct you to your seat. If this is your first visit, be sure to fill out an information card that is located in the pews.
Children’s Church:
Grade School Kindergarten to 6th grade
Jr. High (7th & 8th) & High School students remain in the service