
Bible Text: John 9:1-11, John 9:25 | Pastor: Ray Jones

“Don’t be Afraid!”

March 22, 2020
Bible Text: John 6:16-21 | Pastor: Ray Jones
Bible Text: John 6:1-14 | Pastor: Ray Jones
Bible Text: John 5:1-15 | Pastor: Ray Jones
Bible Text: John 4: 46-54 | Pastor: Ray Jones

“Water to Wine”

February 23, 2020
Bible Text: John 2:1-11 | Pastor: Ray Jones
Bible Text: Daniel 6:12-28 | Pastor: Ray Jones

“Blinded by Sin”

February 9, 2020
Bible Text: Daniel 5: 1-12. Daniel 5: 22-31 | Pastor: Ray Jones

” Royalty & Repentance “

February 2, 2020
Bible Text: Daniel 4:18-27 | Pastor: Ray Jones

“Fireproof Faith”

January 26, 2020
Bible Text: Daniel 3: 19-30 | Pastor: Ray Jones